Our Mission:
We enable a global network of journalists to provide the trustworthy news essential to free and strong societies.
Their vital work strengthens democratic ideals and spurs change. At ICFJ, we serve more than 160,000 journalists around the world, helping them cover the most critical issues of today, innovate to deeply connect with communities, and build news organizations that thrive.
Please fill out the application in its entirety. The deadline to submit the application is on March 23, 2025, at 11:59 PM EST.
The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) seeks nominations for the 2025 ICFJ Knight International Journalism Awards. We are seeking nominees whose pioneering coverage or media innovations have a significant impact on the lives of people around the world. Candidates can be reporters, editors, technologists, media managers or citizen journalists from countries where they face major challenges doing their work.
Candidates who meet the Awards criteria may nominate themselves.
The winners will be honored November 13 at ICFJ’s 2025 Tribute to Journalists.
All nominations must be submitted by 11:59 pm Eastern time on Thursday, February 13, 2025 (extended deadline).
Nominees may be contacted by ICFJ for additional information. Please direct any questions to programs@icfj.org.
For more information on the ICFJ Knight International Journalism Awards and past winners, click here.
This program is open to U.S., Canadian and German journalists between the age of 21-40, who are employed by a newspaper, news magazine, broadcast station, news agency, or who work as freelance and/or online reporters. Applicants must demonstrate journalistic talent and a strong interest in North American-European affairs. Applicants should have at least two years of full-time journalism experience. German language proficiency is not required, but it is encouraged.
Required Application Materials:
· Completed Application Form
· Resume/CV
· Two Work Samples: Two professional work samples, which may be in any format (written, audio, video, etc.)
· A Letter of Recommendation: A one-page letter from your editor that recommends you for the program
· For Freelancers: A one-page letter from a media outlet that commits to publishing the work that you produce on this program
The Asia Investigative Reporting Network (AIR Network) is awarding grants between $1,500 to $3,000 for investigative projects in Cambodia. The grants are open to journalists in Cambodia, as well as Cambodian journalists operating outside Cambodia.
Grants will be awarded on a rolling basis between now and March 31, 2025, or until the maximum number of grants (five) have been awarded. Awarded projects should be completed and published by August 31, 2025.
For more information, contact AIR Network resident investigative editor Ian Yee: iyee@icfj.org
Muchas gracias por su interés en aplicar para nuestro taller periodístico sobre periodismo de datos e investigación. El taller se llevará a cabo en la Ciudad de Panamá del 7 de abril al 9 de abril. La fecha límite para completar la aplicación es el 17 de febrero a las 11:59 PM EST.
Do you know of a journalism tool, app or resource that we haven’t covered? A media innovator who has a fascinating story to tell? Or do you simply want to discuss a current media trend taking place in your country?
If so, we want to hear from you.
IJNet accepts pitches from readers, and in doing so, we hope to build a network of global, diverse contributors whose work can help as many journalists as possible.
Most of our freelancers work in English, but we've recently added the opportunity to write in Spanish, Portuguese or Russian. If you would prefer to write in one of these languages, please indicate that on the form below.
We have noticed that many pitches are on topics unrelated to the content IJNet pitches. Before filling out the form, please familiarize yourself with IJNet content. We are a resource for journalists, and all our content focuses on the field of journalism. Below are some basic models for stories, with linked examples.
- Tips in a list or a deep-dive
- Tools in a list or a deep-dive
- Case study
- Close look at research/publication
- Event overview
- Project overview
If we’re interested in your idea, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we are not able to respond to everyone.
Not sure how to write a story pitch? Here are some tips from IJNet Contributor Sherry Ricchiardi.
Submit this form to be considered for the IJNet Arabic Translator position opening.
Submit this form to be considered for the IJNet French Editor position opening.
Submit this form to be considered for the IJNet French Translator position opening.